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Donor-Advised Funds

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Donor-Advised Funds

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A donor-advised fund allows you to give back to a cause that’s close to your heart. It’s an opportunity to put your charitable dollars to work – where the need is great – but on your own terms. Thus, you have flexibility to tailor your philanthropic giving in easy, cost-effective ways.


  1. Request a grant distribution through your DAF sponsor.

  2. Be sure to use the Healing Hearts Vietnam               EIN # 87-3187966

  3. Indicate whether your gift is unrestricted or designated to a specific cause. You can also designate Healing Hearts Vietnam as a beneficiary for your donor advised fund.


Please email us to let us know, so we can thank you for your generosity. 

©2020 Healing Hearts Vietnam. All rights reserved.

Healing Hearts Vietnam is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, EIN:87-3187966. Donations are tax-deductible.

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